Stephanie Day

Stephanie Day


Learning Advisor


  • D.Phil (Medieval English Literature, York)
  • BA (Hons) (English Language and Literature, London)
  • AKC (Theology, London)
  • Postgraduate Certificate of Tertiary Teaching (University of Canterbury)


Room 305, Level 3, James Hight Library

Contact Details

Phone: +64 3 364 2987 ext 4996

Postal address:
Learning Skills Centre
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand


Before coming to New Zealand in 2001, Stephanie worked at the University of York, UK, teaching Medieval English Literature. She has also taught English Literature and Language at Wakefield College.

Research Interests

Supporting and retaining mature and postgraduate students and improving student writing skills.
Fourteenth-century Middle English religious texts. 


Acheson, C. & Day, S. (2005). Adding Value? The effectiveness of academic skills courses for adult university students, in Learning Transitions, ed. R. Tobias, L. Tully, P. Beckman, & L. Petelo, Christchurch: Continuing & Bridging Education, University of Canterbury.