English Language Support Programme (ELSP)

This course is designed to help students with English as an additional language to improve their academic English. Classes are 50 minutes long and take place during term time, with different topics offered each term. Students will develop their skills through practical in-class exercises and additional resources will help students to build their independent language learning abilities outside the classroom.

Students are welcome to join the course at any stage during the semester.

The course covers:

  • structure (reading strategies, academic text structure, paragraph structure)
  • style (formal language, writing concisely, using source material)
  • sentences (clauses, sentence types)
  • grammar (tenses, articles, prepositions, pronouns, active and passive)
  • vocabulary (building vocabulary, summarising)

Further information and 2025 workshops can be found on Learn

Dates and times

  • Term 1 Workshop: Mondays 24 February 2025 to 17 March 2025 between 11.00 am to 11.50 am. In Person Only. The first class this term will be Monday, 24 February 2025. Students are welcome to join the course at any stage during the semester. : passed

The next set of dates for this learning event has not yet been scheduled.