Project Manage Your Degree

In this workshop, we will use project management principles to help you succeed in your degree. The workshops has two connected sessions. The first session focuses on creating an action plan for your academic year. You will identify goals, objectives, milestones, and tasks, and analyse potential risks and mitigation strategies. The second session provides techniwques to monitor and control your progress throught our the year.You will learn how to adjust your plans based on past experiences and how to boost your motivation when facing setbacks.

By the end of session 1 you will:

  • Reflect on the relationshiop between your studies and project management.
  • Understand common steps an dprinciples of project management and how they relate to your studies.
  • Explore methods and tools to manage your studies as a project.

By the end of session 2 you will:

  • Learn techniques to reflect on and learn from experiences.
  • Explore methods to adapt our plans to changes.
  • Identify strategies to maintain your motivaiton.

Tutor: Dominique Holland

Dates and times

Please note session 2 will take place in term 3

  • Term-1 workshops,Wednesday, 19 February 2025 from 12:00 pm to 12:50 pm Live stream and in person workshop. Zoom link will be sent to all enrolled students.: passed

The next set of dates for this learning event has not yet been scheduled.

Even if this course is fully booked, it is likely there will be space on the day, so feel free to turn up. For more information, email Academic Skills.