Proofreading Your Final Draft
Proofreading is the final stage of the writing process. It involves locating errors and inconsistencies of spelling, grammar, formatting and referencing in your final draft. This workshop teaches strategies for proofreading your own work,including using a simple and effective two-step process.It also provides guidance on whether and how to use popular digital tools for this task.
This workshop is suitable for students at all levels and in all disciplines.
Tutor: Julie Wuthnow
Dates and times
- Term 3 Workshop: Monday, 12 August 2024 from 1.00 pm to 1.50 pm (ZOOM and in person workshop). Zoom link will be sent to all enrolled students: passed
The next set of dates for this learning event has not yet been scheduled.
Even if this workshop is fully booked, it is likely there will be space on the day, so feel free to turn up. For more information, email Academic Skills Centre